Passive air monitoring of PCBs and PCNs across East Asia: Acomprehensive congener evaluation for source characterization

業績名 Passive air monitoring of PCBs and PCNs across East Asia: Acomprehensive congener evaluation for source characterization
年度 2011
研究機関名 農業環境技術研究所
発表者 横浜国立大学環境情報学府,Jonathan Nartey Hogarh
農業環境技術研究所,有機化学物質研究領域,Nobuyasu Seike
農業環境技術研究所,有機化学物質研究領域,Yuso Kobara
Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh,Ahsan Habib
Certification and Business Team, Foundation of Ag.Tech Commercialization and Transfer (FACT), Republic of Korea,Jae-Jak Nam
National Academy of Agricultural Science, Republic of Korea,Jong-Sik Lee
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qilu Li
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xiang Liu
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Jun Li
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Gan Zhang
横浜国立大学環境情報学府,Shigeki Masunaga
発表論文(都道府県機関) CHEMOSPHERE,86(7),718-726,2011.11
課題 (1)有害化学物質による農作物汚染リスクの低減技術の高度化



