測定・分析技術[測定・ICT技術] and [ICT]
Exploring the Potential Distribution of Relic Trochodendron aralioides: An Approach of Using Open-Access Resources and Free Software(遺存植物であるTrochodendron aralioidesの潜在分布域の推定:オープンアクセスリソースとフリーソフトウェアの活用によるアプローチ)
Behaviors of the Saprophytic Tricholoma matsutake Mutants G1 and Ar 59 In Vitro Substrate Cultivation: the former exhibited Morphological Changes while the latter did not.(腐生性マツタケ変異体G1とAr 59の菌床培地での動態:前者は形態変化を示し、後者は形態変化を示さなかった事例)
A computational approach to predict warp of sawn lumber due to residual growth stress in a log.(丸太内の残留応力で生じる製材の曲がりを予測するための計算科学的アプローチ)
The inorganic nitrogen fertilizer equivalency of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) as a winter green manure in Kanto and Tohoku district, Japan
Development of monoclonal antibodies specific to Marek disease virus-EcoRI-Q (Meq) for the immunohistochemical diagnosis of Marek disease using formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples
Maternal Nutrient Restriction Disrupts Gene Expression and Metabolites Associated with Urea Cycle, Steroid Synthesis, Glucose Homeostasis, and Glucuronidation in Fetal Calf Liver
Genomic Prediction of Green Fraction Dynamics in Soybean Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Observations
Genetic distinctiveness but low diversity characterizes rear-edge Thuja standishii (Gordon) Carr. (Cupressaceae) populations in southwest Japan.(クロベ(ヒノキ科)の南限集団を特徴づける遺伝的分化と低い遺伝的多様性)
Tree hazards compounded by successive climate extremes after masting in a small endemic tree, Distylium lepidotum, on subtropical islands in Japan.(日本の亜熱帯の樹高の低い固有樹種シマイスノキは種子繁殖と極端な気象の連続発生によって樹木の危険率が増加する)
How do dynamic litter trait spectra predict soil fauna composition in a changing world?(動的なリターの形質スペクトラムは環境変動下の土壌動物群集をどう説明するか)
Genetic transformation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis to suppress hydrolyzable tannin biosynthesis(加水分解性タンニン生合成の抑制を目指したEucalyptus camaldulensisの形質転換)
Domestic large-diameter log use in the Japanese lumber manufacturing industry: focusing on regional differences(日本の製材産業における国産大径材利用:地域的差異に注目して)
Effects of throughfall exclusion on photosynthetic traits in mature Japanese cedar(Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D. Don.).(降雨遮断によるスギ成木の光合成特性への影響)
Prediction of cellulose nanofibril (CNF) amount of CNF/Polypropylene composite using near infrared spectroscopy(近赤外分光分析を用いたセルロースナノファイバー(CNF)/ポリプロピレン複合材料におけるCNF添加量の予測)
Functionally explicit partitioning of plant β-diversity reveal soil fungal assembly in the subarctic tundra(植物のβ多様性の分割は亜北極圏ツンドラの土壌真菌の群集集合規則を明らかにする)
The contribution of intraspecific trait variation to changes in functional community structure along a stress gradient(環境ストレス傾度上の機能的群集構造の変化と種内変異)
Efficient Calculation Method for Tree Stem Traits from Large-Scale Point Clouds of Forest Stands.(大規模点群情報からの幹形質の効果的な測定手法)